Roll Notes 002

I keep thinking that a concept, idea, or theme will just fall into my lap. I keep forgetting that I just need to continually explore and let the world show me what it is I need to see.

After discussing with Jon I am trying to understand that I need to let ideas guide the work rather than making work about the pictures. This reminds me of how Alec Soth described the initial concept behind SBTM. He described it as making work like the internet and the way links work. As in one photograph would lead to another the way you follow breadcrumbs and hyperlinks on websites.

I think this idea is connected to Noah Raschetta’s practice of living presently. He describes a practice anyone can do to be present as sitting in the moment and looking around. He describes sitting in a school bus and looking at the overhead panel and thinking about the various switches and buttons. Thinking about all of the steps that go into manufacturing, marketing, conceptualizing, and designing those buttons and switches. The manufacturers who build the products, the workers who find the materials, and where the materials sit. It’s a method of appreciating elements in the surrounding environment. I think this offers an exciting method to pursue this project. Having the slightest idea of what I’m after, but really of having a method of navigating the world and letting the world show me what it had.

It also goes along with my idea of judging and the inability to perceive things. With this, I can explore further these objects and such and look into what lies behind them.


Untitled (for now), 2022


Roll Notes 00