Untitled (for now), 2022

Here I will document the research and process for the so called ‘lineage’ project I will be working on from now until December, 2022. The framework for this project is to begin with a single (or, depending on how it goes, a few) object and begin to make a connection from that object with someone or something that has interacted with it in the past. Once that connection has been established and documented, the next step is to repeat with the next object or person and continue down the line. As of September 18th, My first image is of this mysterious sign found nailed to a tree deep near the Synonan Jinja shrine in Singapore. I am still deriving my next step, and still have no clue what this sign means but I am slowly discovering more about it and plan to go out and ask people if they recognize or know anything about it.


After having found no documentation or clues, other than the meaning of the Chinese character, I set out today to the NParks HQ in hopes of an answer. I was met with locked doors. I did, however, approach a visitor center and sparked up a conversation with a wonderful woman, Kit Peng, who also had no clue what the sign meant. Kit kindly reached out to friends and I left her my email and set out to find answers elsewhere.

I returned to the site of the image and discovered red paint on the backside of the sign. I snapped a few images the best I could of the backside and believe it reads “FLAMMABLE”. With this new information I wandered off to find a ranger station to ask a guard but no one was on duty. At this point I checked my phone and noticed an email from Kit.

Kit received word that SRT may mean “Station Readiness Training”- a procedure to ensure operational readiness for EOD (explosives ordinance disposal) operators. She mentioned that she asked a few friends, who served in the army, had responded with this suggestion. I believe the “FLAMMABLE” backside and explosives connection is a good sign and a step in the right direction.

I responded hoping to get in contact with Kit’s friend(s) to make portraits and ask clarifying questions and find my next lead in this journey.


I may open multiple roads from this sign. I think I want to photograph Kit’s friends (if possible), but I also had a thought of making the project more of a spider-web. Or I could do something like title the work the back of this sign reads ‘FLAMMABLE’ in a manner of using words to show the viewer something more than the image is capable of. That may be off-topic, however, it is not off limits.

(20-09-2022) - The more I think about the next steps (and the longer I wait for Kit’s response) I want to move in the direction of the back of this sign reads ‘FLAMMABLE’ because it uses aspects of the image that the viewer can not see or is unaware of. I could move, from there, to a firefighter, for instance, and title that image Michael’s father passed away last month, something that, again, the viewer can not know from the image I make. I would continue down that line.

I also plan to return to MacRitchie to begin my fieldwork project, but also to find a ranger or the TreeTop guard and ask them about the sign and possibly photograph them for next steps.

(21-09-2022) - I returned to MacRitchie today to visit the guard at the Tree Top walk to inquire about the sign. We talked for a few minutes and he suggested some useful information. I then asked if I could make a portrait of him for my project and he denied my request. I am beginning to run out of roads for this image if I want to continue onto the next step with a portrait.

I will try to reach out to someone online, or I will find a new object- something that is a bit easier to link. Or I will continue down this road and morph the project more into trying to understand this mystery.


I made this image weeks ago and it slept in my camera for such a long time because I was so unmotivated to go out and make any pictures. I put so much thought into what I thought this image was and got so excited about it and I think that made me even more anxious to finish the roll because I did not want to be let down once again.

I am actually very happy with this image. The above version I am actually very proud of because it proves to me that a good image is not about the colors and editing, it’s solely made by the subject and quality. The above version is a raw lab scan from Whompoa.

The below image is unrelated but really makes me want to start from this type of image and then travel and wander in a completely different direction and into an incredibly contrasting space. I would love to move from this tree to a person related then to a setting or scene like the below image.


How to Disappear Completely


Roll Notes 002